Sunday 10 June 2012

Mount Everest

Whilst idly browsing on the internet yesterday, I came across much material about Mount Everest, and particularly man's repeated attempts to conquer it, particularly in the pioneering and momentous days during the first eight decades or so of the twentieth century.

When I was growing up in the 1970s, expeditions to Everest were still regarded as a big deal, and had sufficient novelty value to command prominent media coverage.  I remember as a child being captivated by the sense of adventure and danger.  These days, even though modern technology, communications and expertise are employed, and the summit is reached more frequently, the great perils and challenge remain.

I had not previously grasped the true extent to which climbers are affected by the effects of altitude and cold, and acquiring this knowledge has only increased my awe and respect for their courage and resolve.

Reading about the exploits of those who have climbed, or attempted to climb, Everest has made some other sporting pursuits seem mundane by comparison.  At least part of Ernest Hemingway's famous quotation about sports may hold some truth, after all....

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