Friday 19 August 2011

A Good Week

Well, after some rather aimless times, the past week has been very encouraging.

First, I sent a chronicle of my own personal experience of depression to a charity. Not only could this help other people, but putting the document together was a rewarding experience for yours truly. It helped to "draw a line" under the preceding eighteen months of my life.

In addition, a nagging "DIY" issue at home seemingly rectified itself, as if by magic. I am sure that the laws of physics played their hand somewhere, but the good fortune was in keeping with the positive trends of the week.

As the week drew to a close, I was in receipt of some surprising but welcome news on the financial front.

Allied to a productive week of research for internet projects, these developments were all very invigorating! It is noticeable how a series of minor but happy episodes can buoy the spirits....

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