Monday 7 March 2011

Census 2011

Just a relatively short post this time, in order to get a few things off my chest!

After I awoke this morning, I ventured to the front door, to discover that the postman had delivered my 2011 Census form. What joy!

The first thing which occurred to me was the stipulation that completing the census form was a legal requirement. In other words, those people who do not "participate" could be liable for a fine. And there was me thinking that we lived in a free society.........

In my view, participation in the census process should be a purely voluntary thing. What "harm" would a person be doing by not filling in the form?  Nobody would be deprived of their life, liberty or property by virtue of such a choice.

I am tempted to say that by completing the census form, a person is merely encouraging the "feeding of the monster". Whether to acquiesce in this way should definitely be a matter for individual conscience and reason, and no coercion should be involved.

If the government, as it appears to claim, struggles to efficiently allocate resources without census data, then that is the government's own problem, and is of secondary importance to the liberty of individuals, and freedom of choice.

Of course, one can argue that the actions facilitated by participation in the census merely hasten the state's efforts to infringe the freedoms and sovereignty of individuals. It is all part of the plan to enslave us, and to allow groups of people to enslave others, all in the name of the supposed "greater good".....

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